Spreading the Good
News of Jesus and
Assisting the
Carmelite Family
News of Jesus and
Assisting the
Carmelite Family

Thank you for visiting Carmelite Missions! Carmelite Missions is located in Darien, Illinois, the site of the Province's central offices of administration of the Province of the Most Pure Heart of Mary. The Mission Office was founded in 1949, primarily to assist the newly opened missions of the Province in Peru and Chile. Since 1996, Carmelite Missions has also been assisting our province members in Mexico and El Salvador, as well asinternational groups: the General and his Council, the
mission of various provinces, monasteries of nuns, and congregations of sisters in underdeveloped countries around the world.
Many wonderful people have made it possible for us to be of assistance to the poor throughout Asia, Africa and Central/South America - people who are less fortunate materially than ourselves. We are very appreciative of your attention to this cause and making your gifts available to help Carmelite missionary work.
Be assured that you are being remembered in my Masses and Prayers. May our Lady of Mount Carmel bless and reward you for your goodness!

"Mary is more mother than queen."
St. Thérèse, Patroness of the Missions
St. Thérèse, Patroness of the Missions