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El Salvador

The Parish of Our Lady of Lourdes in the rural area outside of San Salvador is home to hundreds of poor farming people. The GOOD NEWS is proclaimed in their church and signs of God’s goodness like education, medical and dental care, a community slaughterhouse and other needed assistance are provided. The “Xiberta Center,” also in Ciudad Delgado, is home to nine young men who are preparing to be priests in the Carmelite Order. It is also a place of reflection and a center of culture and Christian and human formation for many local people.

Ciudad Delgado is in a rural village outside of San Salvador. Carmelites minister there to poor farming people like these “seniors” in the Parish of Our Lady of Lourdes.

The Order is being blessed with many vocations to the priesthood. Some of our seminarians are pictured with your mission director in the Centro Bartolomé Xiberta.

"Mary is more mother than queen."
St. Thérèse, Patroness of the Missions
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